

The aim of PERK is to predict and visualize concentrations of pharmaceuticals in the aqueous environment.

PERK acronym for Predicting Environmental concentration and RisK, is an R/Shiny application tool, aims to facilitate automated modelling and reporting of predicted environmental concentrations of a comprehensive set of pharmaceuticals derived from a wide range of therapeutic classes with different mode of action.

The tool helps users,

Data sources:

Prescription Data For England:

This tool uses the prescription data from PrAna, an R package to calculate and visualize England NHS prescribing data.

The data used in PrAna are as follows,

WWTP Data:

The following dataset are provided from WWTP collaborators,

API properties


The workflow in this tutorial consists of the following steps, as in the Figure 1.

Figure 1: PERK Workflow

Figure 1: PERK Workflow

PERK Features

Figure 2. PERK: Features

Figure 2. PERK: Features

Upload Data

Figure 3. PERK: Upload Data

Figure 3. PERK: Upload Data

Table 1. Upload Data: Data Input
Part Remarks
1 Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel
2 Full screen
3 Dark and Light mode
4 Plot settings
5 Data selection Area
6 Upload File Button
7 Download Template for the file
8 User Logout

Predicted (PC)

Predicted: Prescription

Figure 4. Predicted: Prescription - AV Panel.

Figure 4. Predicted: Prescription - AV Panel.

Table 2. Predicted: Prescription Sub-Panel
Part Remarks
1 Analysis and Visualisation (AV) Panel
2 Full screen
3 Dark and Light mode
4 Plot settings
5 Plot generated based on user selection
6 Analysis and Visualisation settings (AVS) panel
7 User log-out
8 Download buttons to download the generated plot as .pdf or .eps and data as .csv format
9 Show Datatable
Figure 6. PC: PNDP.

Figure 6. PC: PNDP.

Predicted: Predicted Concentration