Get Started

Authors: Brian Schilder, Alan Murphy, Nathan Skene

Vignette updated: Jan-23-2025


GitHub Secrets

Before pushing changes to your new R package, you may want to set up one or more GitHub Secrets:


dynamic action

User only have to run use_workflow once per R package to create a workflow file that calls the rworkflows action.

workflow <- rworkflows::use_workflow(run_bioccheck = FALSE, 
                                     run_rcmdcheck = TRUE,  
                                     run_pkgdown = TRUE, 
                                     run_docker = TRUE,
                                     docker_user = "bschilder",
                                     docker_org = "neurogenomicslab",
                                     force_new = TRUE,
                                     ## Use default save_dir in practice
                                     save_dir = tempdir())
## Saving yaml ==> /var/folders/x7/97p7bsjj3tg3y7vvq_mwjggc0000gn/T//Rtmpcz31nx/rworkflows.yml

static workflow

Alternatively, you may use

workflow_static <- rworkflows::use_workflow(name = "rworkflows_static",
                                     run_bioccheck = FALSE, 
                                     run_rcmdcheck = TRUE,  
                                     run_pkgdown = TRUE, 
                                     run_docker = TRUE,
                                     docker_user = "bschilder",
                                     docker_org = "neurogenomicslab",
                                     force_new = TRUE,
                                     ## Use default save_dir in practice
                                     save_dir = tempdir())
## Saving yaml ==> /var/folders/x7/97p7bsjj3tg3y7vvq_mwjggc0000gn/T//Rtmpcz31nx/rworkflows_static.yml


This function creates a banner containing badges, a hex sticker (if one is available), and author names.

badges <- rworkflows::use_badges()
## Finding hex sticker(s) for 1 package(s).
## Adding license.
## Adding version.
## Adding code size
## Adding commit.
## Adding actions.
## Adding codecov.
## Adding authors.
## When refs is provided, paths must have the same length (or be set to NULL). Setting paths=NULL.