# Next version # 1.1.0 - bugfix in proximityFilter - interactive sizeFilter - Update vignette # 1.0.0 - improved examples # 0.2.6 - pre release for 1.0.0 - new functions: importImage and scanDir - Updates include: - new features in objectDetection: automated calculation of parameters, different methods to choose from - implementing updates from objectDetection to the Tcl/Tk interface - rewrite sizeFilter, proximityFilter and resultAnalytics: faster computation through vectorization, easier input/output - overall improved documentation # 0.2.5 - Update function: resultAnalytics - added new functions: haralickCluster and shapeFeatures # 0.2.4 - Update Description - hotfixed errors in R CMD check (as cran) - version for cran submission # 0.2.3 - Updates including bugfixes and documentation - preparing for CRAN submission - R CMD check for Windows, Linux and macOS through CI # 0.2.2 - new function - imgPipe: - pipe combining objectDetection, sizeFilter, proximityFilter and resultAnalytics - filter functions individually selectable - option to analyze multiple color channels - includes time stamp log - unit test for imgPipe - added parallel processing option to resultAnalytics - added a zoom/scale tool to interactive_objectDetection - change in calculation of estimated_rejected objects in resultAnalytics # 0.2.1 - hotfix in resulAnalytics & sizeFilter # 0.2.0 - filter functions can be applied individualy (sizeFilter & proximityFilter) - objectDetection, sizeFilter and proximityFilter can all be evaluated by resultAnalytics - automated calculation of the radius in proximityFilter - automated calculation of the limits in sizeFilter - CI R-CMD-check for ubuntu - changed input format # 0.1.0 - passing rhub check on multiple OS ── R CMD check results ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── biopixR 0.0.9 ──── Duration: 26.1s 0 errors ✔ | 0 warnings ✔ | 0 notes ✔ # 0.0.9 ── R CMD check results ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── biopixR 0.0.9 ──── Duration: 27.4s 0 errors ✔ | 0 warnings ✔ | 0 notes ✔ # - added vignettes - added edgeDetection - devtools::check() errors fixed # - renamed package and functions # -initial commit 11/13/23